A device fingerprint is usually used for identification. It is one of many other trackings. Device fingerprinting identifies devices based on their specific configuration. Some information is required to create a device fingerprint such as IP address, user agent string, HTTP request headers, installed plugins, list of fonts, client device information (operating system, touch support, language, screen resolution), Silverlight data, timestamp, etc. After collecting the information it creates a user profile and provides personalized ads.
How does it work
As nowadays tracking and identification is hard and complicated, it's easy to use fingerprints for detecting a specific person. It's more accurate and reliable. People use multiple devices for different types of needs and to seal their identity device fingerprinting is the most useful way.
Tech companies use cookies to identify specific customers. But it is not a very reliable way. Cookies can be deleted and information is collected by them can also be removed. So companies use another technology which is device fingerprinting. Only big and leading companies in the technology field use this. It collects user data and detects any kind of fraud activity. By using device fingerprinting it is easy to detect the accurate customer. Now the main part is a website takes a user fingerprint while browsing and sends information about the device to the server such as IP address, mac address, time zone, GPS info. If the server has once done collecting your fingerprint it will know it is you whenever you visit the website. As it will also know your IP address no one else can browse the site pretending to be you. It will detect fraud and protect your personal information. But you can not which information is in the database and it won't be easy to change your device's fingerprint.
Types of Fingerprinting:
1. Loops; A loop shape that gets back with a recurve back to them.
2. Whorls: Tiny whirlpools like spiral patterns or form circular patterns.
3. Arches: Wave-like pattern with plain arches and tented arches.
Fingerprinting Devices Function:
1. Remembers customers for future log-in to the website.
2. Detect any fraud activity
3. Collects information about customers.
4. Report on unique visitors.
5. Targets an audience with personalized ads.
Preventing Device Fingerprinting
There are some of the ways you can prevent device fingerprinting. Here are some of these:
1. You can use a VPN.
2. You can browse in private mode.
3. By using a popular browser
4. By disabling flash
5. Keeping all software updated.
To know more about device fingerprint:
How Does Device Fingerprinting Work
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